Grand opening Soma Ramen


Various acts were provided for the grand opening of Soma Ramen restaurant on January 18, 2020. The restaurant is located in the Prinsestraat in The Hague. Soma Ramen is a new addition to the already busy street.

The grand opening was started with drums, hard cymbals and gong. After 5 minutes the street started to fill up with a crowd. The loud music has caught the attention of shoppers who heard it a few blocks away. The lion hopped around the corner after the head of lettuce hung on the door ready to be eaten. Arriving at the restaurant, the lion carefully moved to the door accompanied by the live music. After finally analyzing both the environment and the lettuce for 10 minutes, the lion started to move towards the lettuce with great strides. The lion devoured the head of lettuce and then spat it out again in three steps. The owners caught the pieces of lettuce, which means good luck and prosperity for the entrepreneurs and the restaurant.

The lion hopped around the corner after the head of lettuce hung on the door ready to be eaten. Arriving at the restaurant, the lion carefully moved to the door accompanied by the live music. After finally analyzing both the environment and the lettuce for 10 minutes, the lion started to move towards the lettuce with great strides. The lion devoured the head of lettuce and then spat it out again in three steps. The owners caught the pieces of lettuce, which means good luck and prosperity for the entrepreneurs and the restaurant.