Nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst in Delft


Every year in connection with Chinese New Year there is a celebration in Delft of the Tai-Peng foundation. Shinji Entertainment was allowed to perform for the foundation for the 4th time. Usually a delegation from the Chinese embassy is present, and this was also the case this year.

Delft is nice and close to home, so the demo team didn't have to travel far. At least, anyone can make a mistake in a turn, and unfortunately we missed ours. After a 10-minute detour and finally finding a parking space, the Shinji Entertainment team arrived on time and started preparing. The hotel/restaurant where the performance took place was already quite full and one of the halls had a group seated at a table with mini mouse ears. At first sight this was different until we realized that the coming year will be the year of the mouse. We thought it was rather original.

We were still on schedule and we are making that a priority. However, it is possible that the client itself is behind schedule. And that can sometimes be annoying in the artist's life if we have multiple assignments on the same day. And in this case, this also applied to some artists. But with a good planning we had enough time, so no stress for Shinji Entertainment. An hour after planned it was time, we were allowed on.

After a powerful performance of 15 minutes it was time to go. Good exercise for the coming weeks. With a week and a half to go until the Chinese New Year celebration at the Kruiskade in Rotterdam and many assignments that week, the Shinji Entertainment team continued.